Best Affordable Cruelty-Free Makeup Products Under Rs 500
concealer palette

Best Affordable Cruelty-Free Makeup Products Under Rs 500

Ever come across a makeup product that you liked pretty enough to make a purchase, but then realize that it's something that you can't afford to buy at the current moment. Well, there might be seve...

concealerWhich Concealer is the best, Liquid or Palette?

Which Concealer is the best, Liquid or Palette?

We spend hours on a screen, consuming food that is not meant for our gut, and other habits that tend to show up as certain signs on our faces. Not all of us have flawless skin and when the time com...

ContourWhat is the Contour Palette used for?

What is the Contour Palette used for?

For those just starting out, makeup is hard. If you are new to this realm, it could very well feel like rocket science. But rest assured it's not! Blogs like these are here to help you perfect that...